Event Cancellation Policy
Event Cancellation Policy
The non-public part of the PMI Belgium website and the events of the PMI Belgium chapter are restricted to valid members only. A valid member is a member of the PMI.ORG who has selected to be a member of the Belgium Chapter and has paid all due fees for the Belgium Chapter. Log in on the PMI.ORG website and check your chapters, special interest groups and communities at the bottom left. Not a member yet? Join PMI Belgium Chapter. Exceptionnally guests and non valid members can attend one single event of the PMI Belgium chapter by simple email request to one of the board members.
Considering :
(a) the financial impact of providing our members quality catering, locations and speakers as well as
(b) the organizational & practical limitations of our events (like the number of seats in a meeting room), the number of participants for each event is strictly limited.
Online registration for any event is mandatory and is done on a first come, first serve basis. We are confident that you understand it is very unfair to refuse registrations on the one hand and observe that registered persons simply do not show up at events at the other hand.
Please realise that the sunk cost is approx 40 EUR (Excl. VAT) for each no-show/late-cancellation. Keep your PMI code of ethics in mind and notify us formally and in due time in case of unexpected change of your priorities or plans.
Our online event-registration process requires you to enter all fields manually. Your registration will be confirmed by email. In case the number of registrations exceeds the number of available seats, a waiting list will be created.
The registration cancellation is equally simple: send an email directly to The Event Management Team