PMFair 2020 - Friday October 02 - Foul Up Friday



02 October 2020

 Logo PMFair benelux 2020 trans BlackSwan
Time:  13:00 - 14:00


Foul Up Friday
Speaker:   Your host: Frank Turley
Track: FUN

Join us for the Project Mistake hour @ Foul Up Friday

We have a number of high profile project managers from around the world sharing their big project mistakes and what they learned from this. So do not have to feel alone when you make a big mistake while managing a project.

We will have mistakes from Peter Taylor, Colin D Ellis, Marisa Silva, Morten Duesund, Brendan Martin, etc.. as well as one story from me which almost caused me to get arrested and thrown out of a country.

About PM Fair 2020, the digital fair:

Firstly, for reasons that should be obvious to all, this year’s event will be virtual and not physical: we are going online. No physical face-to-face sessions are envisaged. Instead, the congress will be made up of a series of webinars, online workshops and master classes.

Whilst presenting numerous challenges, this also provides plenty of opportunities.

The congress will be spread over an entire week, from Monday the 28th of September, through to, and including, Saturday the 3rd of October. The intention is to offer morning ‘coffee time’ sessions, along with lunch time opportunities, and additional sessions in the early or late evening, thereby maximising the possibility for our members to participate, either in live webinars, or by accessing recorded sessions.

In addition, ‘going virtual’ enables us to extend our existing wonderful relationship with our friends and neighbours, and present PM Fair 2020 in conjunction with from PMI Netherlands and PMI Luxembourg.

 Please visit our PMFair 2020 website at for the latest updates and information

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: National Congress

Date: 02 10 2020

Hour: 13:00 to 14:00

Registration close date: 2 October 2020 at 13:00

# of PDUs: 0


Students: €35.00

Members: €35.00

Non members and Guests: €35.00