PMFair 2020 - Wednesday September 30 - #NextGenPM   



30 September 2020

 Logo PMFair benelux 2020 trans BlackSwan
Time:  12:00 - 13:00


Speaker:  Kamil Mroz
Track: PM

 About the presentation: 

According to PMI’s recent Pulse of the Profession® report, only 40 percent of organizations say they prioritize attracting and hiring the young generation of project professionals. What the Future 50 list highlights is that this next generation will be crucial to driving value for businesses and society now and in the future.
“As a new generation of leaders rise around the world we are seeing them have additional guiding principles and motivations when compared to earlier generations. Organizations are already rethinking how they can attract, retain and help foster this generation of talent,” said Sunil Prashara, President and CEO of Project Management Institute. “This next generation of project leaders are deeply committed to driving change across the world – from having a deep sense of social responsibility and improving the environment to driving diversity and inclusion.” Kamil MROZ is one of those individuals featured on this list of some of the biggest change makers of their generation.
Through the decade ending in 2020, 15.7 million new project management roles have been created (PMI, Pulse of the Profession). The profession has grown dramatically and continues to change dramatically. In today’s rapidly changing and now more competitive (not only with fellow PMs, but also with the “future of work”), Project Managers must adapt to the changing realities or fall behind. Agile, Automation, digital transformation, big data – all have a great potential to change the world, but equally put pressure on the workforce of Project Managers. The profession is adapting, and at an individual level project management professionals must also adapt, and carve their path of professional development. As universities try to prepare graduates for jobs that don't yet exist, it’s imperative that graduates and young professionals seek out multi-generational insights to drive their personal development in these uncertain times.
Through a coaching approach, this presentation will serve to guide project managers with necessary skills, guidance and insights to be ready for the challenges of the 21st century. Structure in a reflective coaching approach, the presentation will push the comfort zone with practical lessons from two practitioners of differing generations.
Step 1: Your place in today’s business landscape (DESIGN, PILOT, EXPLORE)
-       Iterate the Journey and the Destination
-       Knowledge is Power – but only a starting Point!
Step 2: From Project Management to Pro-active Project Leadership (ACTIVATE)
-       Be a Community Builder
-       We Rise by Lifting Others
Step 3: Be the Change (ORCHESTRATE)
-       Mind over Matter – Be a Culture Catalyst
-       Be a Bridge Builder: Diversity and Inclusion
-       Lead with Purpose

Bio Speaker:

I am an award-winning project leader with director-level & site-leadership experience, strong communication skills and a strategic long-term view enabling the connection between strategy and operational execution.
I am driven and energized by coaching, mentoring and developing talents, while overcoming transversal coordination challenges. My experience in people management has enabled me to discover my passion for the leadership of intercultural, diverse and technical teams composed of both direct reports and cross-functional matrix project teams. I have been awarded global distinctions from both the largest PM organizations, IPMA and PMI for advanced project management expertise, strong team work, communication & leadership.
I owe my servant leadership approach to the time I have dedicated to social and volunteer-causes where I focused on several high-impact philanthropic projects in Europe. I am also proud to have also been the first ever student to be awarded the Young Alumni of the Year by the Faculty of Engineering from the University of Ottawa and I also Chair of the ISPE BeNeLux Steerco on Project Management. 

About PM Fair 2020, the digital fair:

Firstly, for reasons that should be obvious to all, this year’s event will be virtual and not physical: we are going online. No physical face-to-face sessions are envisaged. Instead, the congress will be made up of a series of webinars, online workshops and master classes.

Whilst presenting numerous challenges, this also provides plenty of opportunities.

The congress will be spread over an entire week, from Monday the 28th of September, through to, and including, Saturday the 3rd of October. The intention is to offer morning ‘coffee time’ sessions, along with lunch time opportunities, and additional sessions in the early or late evening, thereby maximising the possibility for our members to participate, either in live webinars, or by accessing recorded sessions.

In addition, ‘going virtual’ enables us to extend our existing wonderful relationship with our friends and neighbours, and present PM Fair 2020 in conjunction with from PMI Netherlands and PMI Luxembourg.

 Please visit our PMFair 2020 website at for the latest updates and information

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: National Congress

Date: 30 09 2020

Hour: 12:00 to 13:00

Registration close date: 28 September 2020 at 20:00

# of PDUs: 0


Students: €35.00

Members: €35.00

Non members and Guests: €35.00