Meet-Up : Teleworking and team work “goes viral”

Virtual Meet-Up : Teleworking and team work “goes viral”

Speaker : Chris Kindermans

About the speaker:
Chris has been part of the PMI Belgium board for 10 years, whereof 4 as president and is now chair of the Ethics Review Committee of PMI.
In a career spanning more than 30 years, he has held local and international positions in corporate and operational management, in business development, in change management and in project, program and portfolio delivery.
He has set up and managed large departments, large project sales and deliveries, project/program rescues, business turnarounds and change programs, in local and international environments. With more than 25 years of experience, working on a worldwide basis, managing and leading multicultural teams.

Description event:
Corona is only a ‘crisis’ because governments, organizations and companies haven’t been operating and managing ‘professionally’ in the past.
When mapping the processes, described in the PMBoK  knowledge areas, onto the ways that governments, organizations and companies are currently dealing with the ‘crisis’, one can only spot a tremendous lack of business processes, risk management, empowerment, … and an overflow of rules, regulations and unstructured working, with a tremendous lack of roles and responsibilities definition.
it is maybe not clear yet, but this ‘crisis’ did also indicate that the era of the Specialists is finished. We need again Generalists and the profile of a good PM is one of a good generalist.
Also, due to globalization (this will stay, but in a changed form) and to detailed specializations in businesses’,  governments’, organizations’ operations and management, most entities have lost management capabilities to work in a multi-disciplinary, multi-geographical and multi-functional way. Too many leaders, too few managers. The Project Economy requires leaders AND managers (the pendulum moved too far in the direction of Leadership)  with adequate competences and adequate profiles. Project Manager profiles are perfectly fit to take this challenge.
The above statements will briefly be showcased by the way how management is currently dealing with Telework and how they should be dealing with it. One should not be amazed that any project manager says at the end of this brief presentation : ‘Sure. I knows all this. Tell me something new.’
Your mission will be to go and start off the Project economy approach in your working environment and facilitate the emergence of a real General Manager.


AGENDA 25 may 2020
19:00 - 19:05    Welcome and introduction by the president of PMI-Belgium Chapter
19:10 - 20:10   Presentation Chris Kindermans
20:10 - 20:30   Q&A / Open discussion

End of virtual meet-up

Link to the meeting will be send to you a few days before the meeting

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Events

Date: 25 05 2020

Hour: 19:00 to 20:30

Registration close date: 22 May 2020 at 23:00

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free