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My first 31-days as your President….

PMI Belgium

Firstly, I want to wish you all a wonderful, amazing 2024. The year of a new beginning, a new journey in project management.

My first 31-days of 2024 it was really an adventure: to get to know the board members, who will be assisting me this year. My vision and mission for the PMI Belgium Chapter is very clear. To create a HOME for you where you can practice the A.R.T in project management. With all the respect to you, sometimes we have to go back to the basics. Creating a connection with you, members, you are important. It is true that we need you as volunteers to achieve what we depict in the Annual Plan of the PMI Belgium Chapter. Volunteering is not only being present during chapter events, meetings, it is more. It is getting your anchor inside the PMI Belgium Chapter. Having the feeling to be home. Yes, PMI Belgium Chapter is your home. Where do you go when you have questions in a certain topic of project management? Maybe you reach out to your colleagues, to your mentors. Possibly you read a book related to the associated topic. Where do you go when you want to grow in the profession of project management? Do you take some specific training, coaching? Do you listen to podcast for acquiring knowledge and skills? Where do you ventilate when you are blocked in some project management issues? You go for a walk, or you meditate because you might know that silence provides all the answers we need.


Within PMI Belgium Chapter we aim to provide you with all this kind of information. Together with the Director of Events, we are organizing several chapter events where you can learn on a specific topic, where you reach out to your peers and share knowledge and best practices.  For our new members we have 4 Online Welcoming sessions where we will explain what the mission, vision, and strategy is of our chapter.


The main purpose of the Welcoming sessions is to welcome you home, in our PMI Belgium Chapter. With the Marketing & Social Media team we are going to have a monthly newsletter. Each month is about one letter in the A.R.T. of Project Management and how to become S.T.A.R. If you have a topic to share that is aligned with the A.R.T., let’s know. As you all know we have our annual project management congress: PM Fair.


The theme this year is the A.R.T. in project management. Creating awareness on our profession, on our knowledge and skills, on the PMBoK so that you learn how to use all project management skills and tools and knowledge in your daily life. Providing you updates on the regulation around project management, what processes and procedures do we need to perform a good project management way of working. Transformation is about change, but it is also about accepting the change and adapt this change in your project management life, either daily or working.

On the 23rd of January we had our General Assembly – New Years' reception to present the objectives for 2023 and the new situation for 2024.  As mentioned 2024 is about connecting we you. If you have questions, please let us know, talk to us. My goal is that PMI Belgium Chapter is your home where you can create A.R.T. and with some tools in self-care become S.T.A.R. in project management. When you are proud, you talk about it. Let’s make you proud of PMI Belgium Chapter and walk your talk with your company, with your customers, with your colleagues.  Let them know that you have a HOME where you can reach out in case of questions, where you can recharge your energy to achieve the deadlines of your project, where you can learn from others.

When you feel this anchor of HOME, then you feel that you want to give something back to PMI Belgium Chapter. Something as becoming a volunteer. Assisting in the organization of the events, in providing speakers for the PM Fair, in convincing your company to sponsor the PMI Belgium Chapter.

As your President I have already a journey to project management, but recently since 2019 I discovered a laughter and breathing journey. Those tools are free to use, and you all have them already with you. You don’t need to buy something extra; you need to learn how to use them consciously. Do you know that you unconsciously breathe 25000x/day? You don’t think about breathing. It is automatically. Do you know what happens with your energy when you breathe consciously for 5 minutes? Your energy level increases, your stress-level reduces. You got more oxygen which creates more space and energy to come up with solution to problems.

Learn with me those 2 wonderful tools and feel the impact of this in your body, in your environment. You will attract more positivity. Not only that, but you will achieve your deadlines with more fun.

Walk your talk

Learn new tools like laughter and breathing

Feel home at PMI Belgium Chapter, this is my wish for you in 2024!


With smiling greetings,


Anja Vandenbergh, PMP

President PMI Belgium Chapter.



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