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Awareness on volunteering @ PMI Belgium Chapter

PMI Belgium

The Call for Volunteers!volunteer-3874924_1280_need.png

Are you looking for a way to do something good for the community? Do you want to use your skills and knowledge for a good cause? Then we are looking for you!

Our organization is looking for passionate and committed volunteers who want to contribute to making the world a better place. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or want to help regularly, your efforts are invaluable.

As a volunteer with our organization, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, gain experience, and make a positive impact. Whether you want to help at events, perform administrative tasks, or roll up your sleeves in the field, there is always a suitable role for you.

What does volunteering mean?

Being a volunteer means that you use your time, energy, and skills voluntarily and unpaid for an organization, project, or initiative without receiving financial compensation. Volunteer work is often done for altruistic reasons, such as helping others, contributing to society, or improving certain situations. It can be a valuable way to develop new skills, build social connections and make a positive impact on the world around you.

Why should you volunteer?121039.jpeg

There are numerous reasons why people choose to volunteer. Here are a few possible reasons:

  1. Contributing to society: Volunteering allows you to give back to the community and help others who need it.
  2. Personal development: Volunteering work can help develop new skills, increase self-confidence, and uncover hidden talents.
  3. Social connections: It can be a great way to meet new people, make friendships and expand your network.
  4. Fulfillment and happiness: The feeling of helping others and making a positive impact.

What are the benefits of volunteering at PMI Belgium Chapter?

If you already have experience with project management in your profession, volunteering at PMI Belgium Chapter can be a valuable addition for several reasons:

  1. Networking: By becoming a volunteer at PMI Belgium Chapter you can connect with other project management professionals, which can expand your network and open up new business opportunities.
  2. Knowledge sharing: You can share your expertise and experience with others within the organization, so that you can not only help others grow, but also continue to learn and develop yourself.
  3. Personal growth: Volunteering can help develop leadership skills, teamwork, and communication, which can be useful in both your professional and personal life.

We all have experience as project managers, project team members, and deal with projects in our professional life. Each weekday we must deal with project issues, handle issues, motivate our team members to achieve deadlines to deliver project results, service.  So why should engage in another project management activity in our free time? I totally understand you, I, as a stand-alone mother with two upgrowing boys, having my own company in project consultancy, performing laughter sessions as teambuilding activities in companies, had the same reflection several times. You don’t need extra project issues during your free time. In my free time I want to do what I love to do and especially with my family.

Is there a difference when volunteering for a sport community or handy-craft community or other type of communities?dakota-corbin-xh4mG4cqHGg-unsplash2.jpeg

You can say it is different being a volunteer for a sport community, or handy-craft community. When being active in a sport community you can forget about project issues, project deadlines. Although you might have deadlines within the sport community like a competition, like organizing a dinner day to collect funds for the community, you don’t see them as project activities, project topics because you are with friends and probably with your family, kids. You have the feeling of regaining energy because you can empty your mind of project stuff and fill them with laughter, happiness, and real connection with friends.

PMI Belgium Chapter is not different from other community. We are people joined together by the passion of project management. We see project management as an A.R.T. to learn, to grow and to create a community with other people passionate about project management. PMI Belgium is a home where we can share our project issues and reflect with others on how to resolve issues, how to reduce any risks. Volunteering is a calling. It's when you want to make a difference, to have an impact on others. Calling is active.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

When volunteering, you are helping people grow in the project management profession. You can find friends for life, or for a short period.  Volunteering helps you with your health. You can free your mind and fill it with energy, with happy stuff. You meet people with the same passion, the same interest. When you travel you can look for a local PMI Chapter and connect with them. Maybe you can discover new things at your destination city. You can build social skills and network. You can improve your self-esteem.

That is exactly what we volunteers do at PMI Belgium Chapter. We learn, we grow, we build, we improve our skills and our talents.

How can I balance my work life, family, and volunteer work at PMI Belgium Chapter?

Maintaining a balance between your work life, family and volunteer work can be a challenge, but here are some tips that can help:

  1. Set priorities: Identify what is most important to you in each of these areas and focus your attention on those priorities.
  2. Make a schedule: Create a realistic schedule in which you reserve time for work, family, and volunteer work. Look for overlaps and ways to manage your time efficiently.
  3. Delegate tasks: Don't be afraid to delegate tasks, both at work and at home. Ask for help from colleagues, family members, or fellow volunteers to lighten the load.

Why is communication significant for maintaining balance when carrying out volunteer work?idea-1972924_1280_volunteer-copia.png

Communication is essential to maintain balance when carrying out volunteer work for the following reasons:

  1. Alignment of expectations: By communicating openly and clearly with the organization you are volunteering for, you can align expectations and create an understanding of your availability and boundaries.
  2. Flexibility: Communication allows you to report any changes to your schedule in a timely manner and work with the organization to find solutions.
  3. Asking for help: If you notice that the balance between your work life, family and volunteer work is being disturbed, communication with the parties involved can lead to understanding and possible support to resolve the situation.

In the coming months, we will share stories of PMI Belgium volunteers so you can hear from them.

With smiling greetings,

Anja Vandenbergh
PMI Belgium Chapter President


*Designed by G. Di Maria — Image sources: pixabay.com; unsplash.com; freepik.com.


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