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Advance Your Career with the RISE Method: Key Takeaways from the PMI Belgium Webinar

PMI Belgium

The webinar "Advance Your Career with RISE Method" by Christian Rascioni (@cribbio_ln), held on February 29th, 2024, revealed insights from Patty Azzarello's transformative book, "RISE." 

Christian is a Senior Software Engineer with 10 years of experience in the Financial Industry and Investment Banks and looks at Azzarello's book for practical guidance on how project managers can 'RISE' in their career. He guided us into practical strategies from Azzarello's wisdom that aligned with the principles of authentic leadership and individual empowerment.

During the session, attendees learned to leverage their unique strengths, a concept championed by Azzarello in "RISE," to enhance their performance and stand out in their professional endeavors. The webinar provided a platform to explore Azzarello's emphasis on effective communication, the importance of building credibility, and expanding professional networks, all of which are crucial components for career advancement.

Moreover, the practical strategies shared in the webinar highlighted the core themes of "RISE," encouraging participants to prioritize tasks, manage time efficiently, and make a lasting impact within their organizations. The alignment between the webinar content and Azzarello's teachings in "RISE" created a comprehensive approach to career advancement, enriching participants with a holistic understanding of personal and professional growth.

For those who attended, this webinar not only provided actionable insights but also served as a practical application of the principles outlined in "RISE." It was a harmonious blend of Christian Rascioni's expertise and Patty Azzarello's empowering philosophy, offering participants a unique opportunity to advance their careers with a well-rounded skill set.

At the end of the session a lottery has been launched to award a copy of the book and a winner was selected among the 20 participants. Do not miss the next opportunity to participate in other events where new lotteries and awards will be announced!

Enjoy the Recorded webinar: PMI Belgium Chapter YouTube Channel @pmibelgiumchapter9996


*Designed by G. Di Maria — Image sources: pixabay.com; unsplash.com; freepik.com.


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